WARRANTY FORM All fields must be filled out, unless otherwise noted. Incomplete forms will not be processed. Please communicate all claims through the Claims Department and not through Customer Service. SUBMITTED BY: SITE CONTACT: PRODUCT CLAIM DETAILS: * What is the reason for your return? * Is this claim you are filing for a structural problem or an electrical/operational problem? StructuralElectrical/Operational If the fixtures have a structural problem, is the problem presented in the housing, lens, reflector, or mounting? * If the problem is electrical, are all the fixtures presenting the problem, on the same circuit? YesNo * If the problem is electrical, is there any high-powered or high-consumption equipment connected to the same circuit grid as the fixtures that are failing? YesNo * Describe the electrical problem you are seeing on the fixtures found on this claim.. Are the fixtures on this claim emergency fixtures? YesNo [group emergency-fixtures] *Have you charged the batteries for at least 24 hours till indicator shows battery charged, and then tested Emergency Mode? YesNo *Have you reset the fixture? If not, disconnect both battery and AC power for a period of 30 seconds. Connect the fixture, making sure the battery is fully charged and perform the battery test again. YesNo *Have you swapped the batteries from a working Emergency light of the same model with a failing one? YesNo [/group] Upload the following -- NOTE: Photos must be a maximum of 3 MB each * 1 picture of mounted unit: * 1 picture of inside the unit (Electrical Assembly): * 1 picture of inside the unit (Housing): * 1 picture of LED board connection: